Thursday, October 11, 2007

We were Soldiers

Its college day Mime show….

We were searching for the theme for about 2 weeks…
Then as usual we got a patriotic theme for our show….

Indian Army and Pakistan Army were fighting in the border… At the end of the war, many soldiers were died in both ends… Indian Soldiers found a Pakistani to be alive with a great

hurt. They finally saved the life of the Pakistani…

But when the Indian Soldiers were away from the position, the Flag hoist started brandish severely…. The Pakistani soldier tried very hard to stop the hoist from falling…

That was the simple chronicle... but the boys presented very smartly and heavily….

We have picked the music and formed great storyline for that… and I feel it was one of the best enjoyed moment in that year..

Kavi, Venky, Anbu, Sabari, Vinodh, Suku, Vivekhari, Suren, Vivekanadan, Thavasi, Sathya, Viki standing back of Shankar explaining to the crowd